
Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Day!

Well, we called it a snow day and stayed home from work, but I really think that we here in Austin were all fed up with everyone in Dallas getting off of work, so we had to take at least a day off.

It started snowing Thursday night, and everything was white by the time we got out of bed at 9.  Payton made a great snowman, and typical mom fashion, we were back inside as soon as possible.  I like the snow for about 5 seconds, yeah, fun, pretty, now let's get back in side.

The snow was all gone by noon and it was over 70 two days later.  Another "wintry mix" is set to arrive in a couple of days.  While I don't love the ever-changing weather, I do love the fact that we can have some fun snow days and t-shirt weather two days later.

Here are some pictures of Bug Boy in the snow.  He grabbed a handful of snow then started whining because it was so cold.  He had this shocked look on his face the whole time, not too sure about what to think about all of it (and all of the goofiness going on with mom and dad trying to get him to smile).


Snow balls!

Checking out the snowman Daddy made.

Uh oh!  His head fell off!

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